Shugo: Line up (phonetically ‘shho-go’)
Ki o tsuke: Stand to attention (phonetically ‘kee-ut-skay’)
Seiza: Kneel (phonetically ‘say-zah’)
Mokuso: Meditate (phonetically ‘mok-so’)
Mokuso yame: Finish meditating
Shomen ni: Face the front of the dojo (phonetically ‘sho-men nee’)
Rei: Bow (phonetically ‘ray’)
Sensei ni: Face your teacher
Rei: Bow and say aloud Onegaishimasu meaning please teach me (phonetically ‘on-ee-guy-shim-ass’)
​Shomen ni: Face the front of the dojo
Kiritsu: Stand up (phonetically ‘kee-ree-tsoo’)
Shugo: Line up
Ki o tsuke: Stand to attention
Seiza: Kneel
Mokuso: Meditate
Mokuso yame: Finish meditating
​Otagai ni: Face your partner, bow and say aloud Arigato Gozaimashita
Rei: Bow
Shomen ni: Face the front of the dojo
Rei: Bow
Sensei ni: Face your teacher, bow and say aloud Arigato Gozaimashita meaning thank you
(phonetically ‘ary-gato goz-aye-mahsh-tah’)
Rei: Bow
Shomen ni: Face the front of the dojo
Kiritsu: Stand up and bow.
Leaving the dojo: At the end of a lesson, it is not necessary to wait and leave the dojo in order of rank. But if you do meet at the exit, it is just a matter of courtesy to allow the senior to go first.
Japanese Grammar: You will sometimes hear people say ‘arigato gozaimashito’ (with a ‘tah’ at the end) or ‘arigato gozaimasu’ (without the ‘tah’). It is just a case of thanking someone in the future or past tense. ‘Arigato gozaimashita’ is used at the end of the lesson to thank the Sensei for the lesson just given. ‘Arigato gozaimasu’ would be used at the start of the lesson to thank the Sensei for the lesson they are about to give.
Arigato Gozaimashita: Thank you for teaching me
Kiai: Focusing shout
Hai: Yes
Hajime: Begin
Onegaishimasu: Please teach me
Osu: Yes / no / general
Shugo: Line up
Wakari masu ka?: Do you understand?
Wakari masu: I understand
Wakari masen: I don't understand
Yame: Stop
Yoi: Ready
Karate Uniform (Gi)
Obi : Belt
Uwagi :Top half of Gi
Zubon :Bottom half of Gi
Training Equipment
Chi ishi: Lever weighted stone
Ishi sashi: Stone padlocks
Kongo ken : Iron ring
Makiwara : Striking board
Nigiri game : Gripping jars
Tan : Barbells
Ichi: One
Ni: Two
San: Three
Shi: Four
Go: Five
Roku: Six
Shichi: Seven
Hachi: Eight
Ku: Nine
Ju: Ten
Black Belt Grades
Shodan: 1st Dan
Nidan: 2nd Dan
Sandan: 3rd Dan
Yondan: 4th Dan
Godan: 5th Dan
Rokudan: 6th Dan
Nanadan: 7th Dan
Hachidan: 8th Dan
Sparring (Kumite)
Ippon kumite:
one step sparring (block and counter)
​San dan gi: Basic three step sparring
Randori kumite:
Slow and soft free style sparring with emphasis on technique
Yakusoku kumite: Prearranged sparring
​Iri kumite: Hard, fast but controlled continuous free style sparring
​Go kumite: Full contact sparring
Parts of the body (Tai)
Ashinoyubi: Toes (Tsumasaki)
Danchin: Sternum
Ganchu: Below the nipples
Gansei: Eyeballs
Hiza: Knee
Jinchu: Region below the nose
Kinteki: Testicles
Kindama: Groin
Kote: Wrist
Miken: Bridge of nose
Mimi: Ears
Mikazuki: Jaw
Nodo: Throat
Onaka: Stomach
Seiken: Fist
Shuko: Back of hand
Suige tsu: Solar-plexus
Ude: Forearm
Yubi: Fingers
Punches (tsuki or zuki)
Jodan tsuki: Punch to the face
Chudan tsuki: Punch to the chest
Gedan tsuki: Punch to the groin
Age tsuki: Rising punch
Choku tsuki: Straight punch
Furi tsuki: Circular punch
Gyaku tsuki: Reverse punch
Kizame tsuki: Jab Punch
Oi tsuki: Lunge punch
Seiken tsuki: Forefist punch
Ura tsuki: Close range punch
Jodan uke: Upper level block
Age uke: Rising block
Chudan uke: Middle level block
Gedan harai-uke: Lower level sweep
Jodan uke: Upper level block
Hiji uke: Elbow block
Hiki uke: Pulling/grasping block
Hiza uke: Knee block
Ko uke: Wrist block
Shotei barai: Palm heel sweep
Shotei uke: Palm heel block
Soto uke: Forearm block (block from outside moving inward to the centre line of the body)
​Sukui uke: Scooping block
Tora guchi uke: Tiger mouth block (sometimes called Mawashi Uke meaning ‘round block'
Strikes (Uchi)
Uraken uchi: Back fist strike
Empi uchi: Elbow strike (hiji)
Haito uchi: Ridge hand strike
Hiraken uchi: Fore knuckle fist strike
Ko uchi: Wrist strike
Nukite uchi: Spear hand strike
Shuto uchi: Knife-edge hand strike
Sokuto uchi: Knife-edge foot strike
Teisho uchi:
Palm heel strike
(sometimes called shotei uchi)
​Tetsui uchi: Bottom fist strike
Kicking (Geri)
Mae geri: Front kick
Mawashi geri: Roundhouse kick
Yoko geri: Side kick
Ushiro geri: Back kick
Hiza geri: Knee kick
Kensetsu geri: Stamping kick, joint kick
Mae ashi geri: Front leg kick
Tobi geri: Jumping kick
Stances (Dachi)
Benzoku dachi:
One foot crossed over diagonally
in front of the other, prior to turning
​Hachiji dachi:
Natural stance
Han zenkutsu dachi: forward stance
Heiko dachi: Parallel stance
Heisoku dachi:
Formal attention stance, feet together
Kokutsu dachi: Back stance
Musubi dachi:
Formal attention stance, feet turned out
Neko ashi dachi: Cat stance
Reinoji dachi: tick stance
Sagiashi dachi: Crane leg stance
Sanchin dachi:
Hour glass stance
Sesan dachi:
Side facing straddle stance
Shiko dachi: Box stance
Zenkutsu dachi:
Forward leg stance
General Terms
Ashi barai: Foot sweep
Budo: Martial Way; Martial arts
Bunkai: Study of kata applications and techniques
Chudan: Middle level
Dan: Level
Do: Way; Path
Dojo: Training place
Dojo kun: Dojo rules
Gasshuku: Karate training camp
Gedan: Lower level
Geri: KIck
Gi: Dojo uniform (Do-gi)
Go: Hard, unyielding
Go kumite: Hard sparring
Goju-Ryu Karate Do: Hard/Soft style, empty handed way
Hai: Yes
Hajime: Begin
Hara: Stomach
Heishugata: ‘Closed Fist’ kata (Sanchin and Tensho)
Hidari: Left
Hiji: Elbow
Hiza: Knee
Hojo undo: Supplementary exercises
Honbu dojo: Head dojo of an organisation
Ippon kumite: One step (prearranged) sparring
Jodan: Upper level
Ju: Soft, flexible
Junbi undo: Warm up exercises
Kaishugata: ‘Open fist’ kata (Gekisai, Saifa, etc.)
Kakie: Push hands
Kamae: Combative posture
Kamae te: Assume stance
Kanji: Chinese characters
Karate: Empty hand
Karate-do: The way of karate
Kata: Forms
Keage: Snap action
Ken: Fist
Ki o tsuke: Attention (phonetically ‘kee-ut-ski’)
Kiai: Focusing shout
Kihon: Basic techniques
Kokomi: Thrust action
Koshi: Ball of the foot (or Josokutei)
Kumite: Sparring
Mae: Front
Mawatte: Turn around
Migi: Right
Silent contemplation, meditation
Muchimi: Heavy, sticky action
Obi: Training uniform belt
Oyo bunkai: Study of techniques in kata (similar to Bunkai but including follow-up techniques not shown in kata)
Otagai: Training partner
Randori: Free sparring, relaxed sparring (sometimes called jiyu kumite)
​Rei: Bow
Sandan gi: Three level sparring
Seiken: Fore fist
Seiza: Formal sitting position (kneeling on your haunches, feet crossed)
​Semete: Attacking partner
Shime: Sanchin testing
Shomen: The front
Shugo: LIne up
Soto: Outwards
Suri ashi: Sliding step
Tai: Body
Tai sabaki: Moving the body to avoid contact
Tanden: The body´s power centre
Te: Hand
Tsuki: Punch
Uchi: Strike
Ude: Forearm
Ude tanren: Forearm conditioning
Uke: Block
Uke harai: Blocking exercises
Uraken: Back fist
Ushiro: Back, rear
Wakari masu ka?: Do you understand?
Wakari masu: I understand
Wakari masen: I don't understand
Waza: Techniques
Yakusoku kumite: Pre-arranged sparring
Yame: Stop
Yoi: Ready
Yoko: Side
Zanshin: Awareness
Covid - 19 : Return to Indoor Training Guidance
Covid - 19 - Key documents
The following documentation relates to ensuring student safety during training at Ashridge Karate Academy:
The following will be in place for when training commences in October 2020
Risk Assessment (document in progress)
For reference to all to demonstrate measures taken to ensure student safety
Student Indemnity Form (document in progress)
Students are required to complete this form for EVERY SESSION
Covid 19 - Action Plan
See below (document in progress)
COVID 19 - Action Plan
The following COVID action plan has been adapted from the guidance from the English Karate Federation for a safe return to indoor training.
The principle aim of this guidance is to safeguard against the potential spread of the COVID 19 virus whilst allowing for a phased return to full karate training. It will be updated as and when new information is received.
It must be noted that the club is also be obliged to follow any further regulations that are required by any facility they might use. This guidance should be followed in conjunction with any such requirements.
Please note we are currently in PHASE ONE
A return to non contact training with social distancing compliance, along with a number of safety measure as prescribed in this guide.
Allowing the use of equipment such as makiwara, strike pads, and limited partner work.
Return to full, regular training.
Return to Competition.
The club will ensure the following:
All parents or carers of members under the age of 18 must explicitly provide in writing their permission for their child to return to training.
Anybody over the age of 11 should wear a face covering when entering the building unless they have exemption. This should be removed before training starts.
Safe and orderly entry and exit to the dojo observing social distancing protocols. Participants should queue outside at appropriate social distance. They should not enter the dojo until invited. Members are to wait xxx and should use the marks on the floor to observe 2m social distancing.
Mandatory Health check on arrival. Each person will be temperature checked and a simple health check questionnaire will be completed asking if the participant has experienced any illness since the previous session. Should a member report having any symptoms of COVID 19, then they will not be allowed to train and must report immediately to the NHS for a formal test. Instructors will make a clear note of such an occurrence.
The front door is to be used as an Entrance only. The push-to-exit bar will be engaged once all members are inside to avoid unauthorised entry into the building.
Exit from the hall will be via the right-hand fire exit (this is marked Exit Only).
The dojo will have clear markings where each person should stand. Each mark will cover 3x3 metres square. The member should occupy the middle of that square. This is to ensure that adequate distance is maintained at all times even during practice. It is possible for a member to occupy other parts of their allocated space, but all members in the class must occupy the same space within their allocated area, which maintain social distancing. The instructor will constantly observe that social distancing is maintained throughout training.
Cleansing gel needs to be used before and after practice. Dispensers can be found in the foyer and in the training hall.
On entry a member must sanitise their hands and be directed to a designated marked position and wait for the session to begin. Belongings may be stored at the edges of the hall at 2 metres distance from others. This may be particularly challenging for our younger members who must be constantly monitored. A full explanation will help to maintain this.
Members should arrive changed and ready. It is anticipated that changing rooms will not be open. There should be no changing in toilets, or the dojo.
Members should avoid using the communal facilities as much as possible. Bringing your own pre-filled drinks will help prevent the use of shared taps and using the toilet before arrival will also help.
The hall capacity for a COVID secure environment is 15 and sessions may be pre booked if the instructor anticipates class numbers will be close to this number
Parents or anyone else not participating in the training will not be allowed in the hall.
Payments for sessions will be contactless. (NOT applicable for general training sessions at AKA)
A record of contact details of all those that attend sessions (including spectators) must be kept to assist the governments track and trace programmes. The club is legally obliged to ensure they have this information. Members must be advised of this record, and that they do not have a choice to ‘opt-out’ of this obligatory requirement.
The dojo must be ventilated as best as possible with doors and windows open at all time, unless otherwise directed by the facility provider.
Only NON CONTACT training is allowed at this time. Though some family groups could practice with contact, this should not happen in ‘public’ sessions as it will give the wrong impression.
Drilling in moving lines (like marching) is only allowed if participants are in a single rank, and have clear ‘lanes’ to move up and down. There must be no entry into another person’s marked space at any time.
Appropriate shoes should be worn at all times. Bare feet present significant risk of transmission to the dojo surface through perspiration. Members will bring a clean pair of gym shoes to wear during practice. Members are not allowed to train in sock (or similar) as this present number of risk such as slipping, as well as being unhygienic.
No Ki-ai. Forcefully driving air from the body (as in shouting) increases the risk of droplets being spread, and would require greater social distance between participants as well potentially infecting surfaces around the members.
Face covering are not compulsory at this time, but consideration must be given to their use.
Sharing of any equipment is prohibited.
Instructors will refrain from guiding, or touching any members limb during practice.
At the end or between classes:
Members must leave the dojo in an orderly and organised fashion. They must leave as they arrived, and change at home.
All members are advised to immediately shower on returning to home.
All members MUST clean their training clothes (gi) between sessions.
Any congregating of people must be away from the dojo and outside, whilst maintaining Social Distancing protocols. The social aspects of a club should not be under-estimated as it contributes to over- all well-being of members, but these activities must be conducted in line with government guidance.
There must be no hugging or embracing between members at any point, but especially after a session when members are likely to have been perspiring.
If between sessions, all touched surfaces must be cleaned using an appropriate steriliser.
As is usual in a traditional dojo, no drinking or eating is allowed in the dojo or entrance areas.
There must be no shared use of drinking bottles at any time.
All members should be aware of the ‘Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.’ campaign to help reduce flu infections.
All Safe-Guarding, child protections, and vulnerable adults protocols remain in place.
In an Emergency such as a Serious Accident or Fire, people do not have to stay 2 meters apart if it would be unsafe or present a risk to life to do so.
Version dated [1.0 ] 31st July 2020