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"18 Hands"



SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

grip lapel

UKETE: Immediately grip SEMETE wrist with the hand mirroring the attack and twist to the outside to lock the arm. Drop the hips into shico dachi and strike nukite zuki (finger thrust) then with the same hand deliver a powerful shote zuki (palm heel thrust) to push SEMETE away  


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

chudan mae geri

UKETE: Step back into kokutsu dachi and block harai uke 

SEMETE: Attack gyaku zuki with the same side as the kick 

UKETE: Block down with ura the-kubi (back of the wrist) with the same blocking hand and deliver a powerful shuto uchi (knife hand strike) to SEMETE temple. Maintain contact with SEMETE arm when striking . Kick mae geri with the rear leg


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

attack migi Mae geri gedan

UKETE: Block with migi gedan harai uke (before SEMETE extends the kick fully)

SEMETE: Attack oi zuki with the same side as the kick

UKETE: Block migi chudan yoko uke (middle side block) immediately grip SEMETE’s wrist. As SEMETE pulls back , use SEMETE strength to twist the wrist to the outside. Grip tight and turn in close to SEMETE from their right side. The left hand then winds around SEMETE forearm to lock the arm. As SEMETE tries to escape by clasping their hands together and pulling back and upwards , the use back of the left hand / wrist to press back , then turn the body following SEMETE’s movement and strike to the groin with the right open hand (swing the arm like a whip as you strike) 


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi, 

attack with chudan oi zuki

UKETE: Block on the outside with a powerful chudan yoko uke aiming for the elbow. Simultaneously deliver Jodan furi-zuki (right circular swing punch) to the temple (the right arm swings like a whip to strike) Take nico ashi dachi while executing the defence. 


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,  

attack chudan gyaku zuki

UKETE: Block with osae uke (press block). Simultaneously step forward towards SEMETE delivering a powerful yoko ura zuki (short punch to the side) to the lower abdomen in shico dachi


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

grip right wrist with both hands

UKETE: Bring left hand up from below and clasp hands together; quickly pull back with the right hand while turning it over. As SEMETE reacts by pulling back in the opposite direction, use SEMETE strength and deliver a powerful awase nigri zuki (clasped hand punch turning the hands over) to the solar plexus. Follow with a powerful age hiji ate and push 


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi, attack UKETE from behind 

UKETE: Before SEMETE can clasp their hands together, quickly drop the hips and simultaneously raise up both elbows. Immediately twist the hips and deliver a powerful ushiro hiiji-ate (elbow strike to the rear) to the solar plexus. Continue by turning the hips in the other direction and deliver uraken- uchi (back fist strike) with the other arm to the face.

NOTE: Alternative bunkai displayed above 


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

attack mae geri hidari

UKETE: Block with hidari open hand in a scooping lifting motion.

SEMETE: Attack with hidari Jodan zuki 

UKETE: Block with the right open hand at SEMETE’s elbow. Immediately move in close to SEMETE ; the left hand then lifts upwards and the right hand pulls down (gripping at the elbow). Follow with a powerful foot sweep to SEMETE’s supporting leg and throw the opponent down. Finish with naka daka ippon ken (middle knuckle punch) to vital areas on SEMETE.


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

attack with chudan oi zuki 

UKETE: Block on the inside with chudan hiki uke . Transition to strike Kumade uchi (bear claw strike) to SEMETE groin. Immediately continue to strike Jodan uraken uchi with the same arm 

SEMETE: Attacks chudan gyaku zuki with the other arm

UKETE: Block chudan uke followed by chudan mae geri 


SEMETE: Step forward from zenkutsu dachi,

attacks hidari chudan oi zuki

UKETE: Block with hidari chudan hiki uke (left middle grasping block) and grip the wrist tight. 

SEMETE: Attack migi Jodan zuki 

UKETE: Block migi Jodan hiki uke and grip the wrist tight. Pull down the right hand to chudan level and simultaneously (from underneath) lift up the left hand so that the arms are crossed. Twist the right wrist out so that the right elbow is locked, simultaneously turn the body to throw the opponent. Finish with boshi-Ken (thumb fist) to the eyes. 

BUNKAI #1 - #10 from kata Sepai

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